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Pay Component/Deduction/Banking Report

Pay Component/Deduction/Banking   report shows all components or "Pay Codes" paid in a pay. The report shows the total value paid for each employee and the pay code.

Users can use this report to extract the "Deduction" and "Banking" amounts for a specific period or pay run. The report shows data for active and updated pays.

The report can be generated with below filters:

  1. Payrun Date - This will include all "Payruns" created in the selected date range.
  2. Company
  3. Payrun ID
  4. Pay Team
  5. Employee
  6. Territory
  7. Branch
  8. Cost Centre
  9. Group By
  10. Paycode
  11. Paycode Type
  12. Show Employees
  13. Show Graph
  14. Search - This is an open text field. Users can search for records by searching for a "Word" or "Code".  

Figure 1 : Pay Component/ Deduction/ Banking Report